Friday, April 3, 2009

Earth Farts

There are some things about having a boy - and a pre-teenish one at that - that makes you realize, as a mother, that you will never relate and must just simply enjoy.

People have often said that boys, no matter what their age, never grow up and pretty much stay teenagers for their entire lives. And I see it now with B and how his childish ways are bubbling through the surface all the time...and the kids are at a point where they LOVE IT...and the potty humor just doesn't go away...(and I must admit, even my girly girl C gets a kick out of it).

This morning, we wake up to a misty foggy spring day...the cherry blossoms are at their peak, it's damp and that pungent, mulchy smell is in the air. E leaves the house, takes a step outside and says, "Wow, it smells like the earth just farted!"

Yup, just gotta enjoy!

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